G500 TXI Touch Flight Display-Bright, crisp 10.6” and 7” LCD touchscreen displays offer industry-leading scalability and flexibility in a wide range of panel configurations G500 TXI-Engine indication system (EIS) optionally available on 7” displays or 10.6” display with split-screen data strip -HSI mapping enhances situational awareness with MFD-like geographical map detail, weather, traffic display and more — overlaid within HSI portion of the primary flight display (PFD) -Interfaces with popular avionics and autopilots, offering full touchscreen system continuity with the GTN and GTN Xi series -Full compatibility with original G500 system sensors for a simplified, cost-effective upgrade path GTN 750 XI COM/NAV/GPS-The WAAS/SBAS-certified GPS receiver expands your landing options, enabling GPS-guided LPV glidepath approaches down to ILS-comparable minimums as low as 200’. GTN 750XI-In addition to GPS guidance, full VHF navigation capabilities offer complete airspace system access, including VOR/ILS with localizer and glideslope. -With the GFC™ 500 and GFC 600, GTN 750Xi supports advanced modes and features such as vertical navigation profiles, radius-to-fix legs, missed approaches and more. -A 2,280-channel capable VHF Comm radio gives GTN 750Xi a standard 10 watts (or optional 16 watts) of talking power with pilot-selectable 25 kHz or 8.33 kHz channel spacing. GARMIN GFC 500-Leverages certificated flight instruments such as the G5 and GI 275 for attitude reference, and optionally flight displays such as the G3X Touch or G500 TXi for display of autopilot modes and flight director cues. GFC 500-Robust feature set, including safety features such as underspeed and overspeed protection, a dedicated return-to-level (LVL) mode button, Garmin ESP™ (Electronic Stability and Protection), Flight Director (FD), coupled approaches and missed approaches when paired with a compatible navigator -Offers 2-axis (pitch and roll) capabilities with optional pitch-trim; yaw damper optionally available on select aircraftGFC 500 Autopilot Details
G500 TXI
Garmin Smart Glide integrated
GTN 750XI & GFC 500 Autopilot
EIS Engine Indication System & Air Traffic System integrated
GNC 355 A GPS & 8,33 khz COM
„Wir als kleines mittelständiges Luftfahrtunternehmen fühlen uns bei Aero Avionik sehr gut aufgehoben. Die Umrüstung unserer Dornier 228 Flugzeuge auf GTN 650 und 750 wurden zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit erledigt. Auch die Umbauten unserer C208 Flugzeuge auf Glascockpit (G500, GTN 650 und 750 sowie SAM) bereitet uns viele Jahre nach Einrüstung noch immer viel Freude und ermöglicht unsere Operation. Die Installationen in unsere Flotte funktionierten sehr zuverlässig. Sollte doch mal ein Defekt auftreten reagiert Aero Avionik sehr zielorientiert für den Operator. So macht Avionik Spaß! Wir sagen Danke für die vielen Jahre der Zusammenarbeit und freuen uns bereits auf neue, zukünftige Projekte mit Aero Avionik."
Andreas Blase, Businesswings, August 21 |