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PA 28 RT DUAL GI 275 Installation


  • GI 275 ADAHRS + AP, Class I/II as ADI
  • GI 275 ADAHRS + AP, Class I/II as HSI
    • With GMU 11
    • Switchable HSI, GPS MAP, STBY ADI

both interfaced to the legacy Century II Autopilot

  • GTN 750 XI COM / NAV /GPS

interfaced to both GI 275 and GTX 330ES ADS-B Out Tranponder

  • Golze ADL 140
    • In Flight Iridium Weather Receiver

Interfaced with Pilots IPAD

  • Air Traffic AT-1
    • Flarm Tranceiver
    • ADS-B In Receiver

Interfaced with GTN 750XI and GI 275 GPS MAP

GI 275 ADI

-Save weight and maintenance expense: replace that aging vacuum pump-driven attitude indicator — such as the KI-256 — with a reliable solid-state ADAHRS-driven GI 275 electronic display.

-To add situational awareness, your display can overlay attitude reference on an optional Garmin SVT™ synthetic vision landscape with flight path marker integration.

-As your primary flight reference instrument, GI 275 features an integrated display to support all the essential readouts — attitude, altitude, airspeed and heading.
GI 275 ADI

GI 275 HSI

-In addition to primary magnetic heading reference, GI 275 can accept inputs for VOR/LOC and/or GPS course guidance — along with distance and groundspeed indications.

-For climb/descent profiles and approaches, GI 275 can display both vertical and lateral GPS/VOR/LOC course deviation cues, when available.

-With appropriate Nav inputs, GI 275 can optionally add HSI course guidance overlaid on a moving map display with flight plan legs, terrain, weather and more.
GI 275 HSI

Dual GI 275

-With dual GI 275 displays as your primary flight instrumentation, reversionary backup capability retains attitude and heading data5 on the remaining HSI or MFD if an outage should occur.

-The touchscreen on GI 275 makes accessing its functions a breeze. A traditional concentric knob is also available for those who prefer that style of data input.

-Know you’ll get home with up to 60 minutes of optional backup battery power.

-Connect your cockpit with built-in Wi-Fi® connectivity and BLUETOOTH® technology.
Dual GI 275

On the Point

Dual GI 275 with GTN 750Xi
GI 275 ADI
GSB 15 for Database Update and USB Charging
Iridium WX & Flarm Traffic
GI 275 as HSI / GPS Map and Stby ADI
„Fliegen ist sicher – aber nicht fehlerverzeihend.
Sicherheit gibt mir eine gute Avionik. Fehlerfrei ist der Anspruch an mich als Pilot ebenso wie an die Werft, auf deren Kompetenz, Service und Zuverlässigkeit ich mich verlassen muss."

Dr. Peter Schiedermaier

Starke Partner

  • Garmin
  • AEA
  • Bendix King
  • Kannad
  • Aspen Avionics
  • Avidyne
  • Becker Avionics
  • Artex
  • EASA - European Aviation Safety Agency
  • L3 Technologies
  • MidContinent Instruments + Avionics
  • Trig Avionics
  • Genesys Aerosystems
  • Electronics International INC.
  • Alpha Systems
  • Jupiter Avionics
  • Sandia Aerospace
  • CiES
  • PS Engineering